恭喜 sojournalist  Once 入選

看到Jerry寫,說他認為昨天奧斯卡的亮點是獲得最佳歌曲"Falling Slowly"時 我深有同感 尤其搞笑的是 宣布Falling Slowly得獎後 同時是作曲作詞還主演該部音樂電影「Once」的Glen Hansard 剛剛說完兩句話 另一位女得獎人Marketa Irglova連麥克風都沒沾到 現場就音樂響起,趕人家下台了 等到廣告過後,發生再度邀請Marketa Irglova上台發表感言的烏龍事件 唉唉唉,真是讓80大壽的奧斯卡頭上飄過一片烏雲 顯示製作的不嚴謹啊 有人說,如果before sunrise/sunset是以不間斷的語言來辯證彼此情感, 那麼Once就是在音樂裡讓彼此靈魂靠近接觸 Glen在片中粗獷又孤獨,滄桑卻又天真 那一把破吉他與嗓音充滿渴望被了解的熱情 Marketa背負生活重擔,但其實淘氣又細膩 兩個人拖著個破吸塵器在街上走時,突然覺得這像是他們的真實生活----- 電影語言簡單到不能再簡單,但感動卻相當深刻 不過,彼此深刻了解的完美靈魂, 終究相伴的機率是很小的 僅能遙遠地想起--- Once就再度證明了這個令人感到無奈的觀點~~~ 但電影的結局是哀而不傷的 因為那兩人從彼此身上,找到實現夢想的力量,也各自找到前行的方向 有時候,在人生旅途中陪伴我們走一段路的旅伴,是上天給的一份珍貴禮物 在此後的每一刻,再度想起時,是溫暖與感激
Falling Slowly I don't know you But I want you All the more for that Words fall through me And always fool me And I can't react And games that never amount To more than they're meant Will play themselves out Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice You've made it now Falling slowly, eyes that know me And I can't go back Moods that take me and erase me And I'm painted black You have suffered enough And warred with yourself It's time that you won Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice You've made it now Take this sinking boat and point it home We've still got time Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice You've made it now Falling slowly sing your melody I'll sing along 

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